With Reinke Direct ET by CropX, Reinke customers now have access to the only commercially available technology that directly measures the Actual Evapotranspiration (ETa) of a crop, mounted on a center pivot irrigation system. Track field-specific crop water use over a broad area in real
time! When Reinke Direct ET by CropX sensors and soil moisture sensors are used together, our Irrigation Planning capability offers the most complete picture of field water movement, from roots to shoots!
With Reinke Direct ET™ by CropX, using the sensors and soil moisture sensors together will add a valuable set of information to the already powerful Irrigation Planning capability. Users can access field maps, tap into irrigation insights, take advantage of variable rate irrigation, and track irrigation events for streamlined record-keeping.
time! When Reinke Direct ET by CropX sensors and soil moisture sensors are used together, our Irrigation Planning capability offers the most complete picture of field water movement, from roots to shoots!
With Reinke Direct ET™ by CropX, using the sensors and soil moisture sensors together will add a valuable set of information to the already powerful Irrigation Planning capability. Users can access field maps, tap into irrigation insights, take advantage of variable rate irrigation, and track irrigation events for streamlined record-keeping.
Real-Time Information Directly From The Field
Reinke Direct ET by CropX provides:
Real-Time Information Directly From The Field
Reinke Direct ET by CropX provides:
- Actual Evapotranspiration (ETa) data: Reinke Direct ET by CropX sensors measure and monitor the water use of your crop daily, in real time. Don’t wait days or weeks for critical crop information! ETa is measured over a broad area of your field.
- Irrigation Insights: The CropX Irrigation Planning capability uses Direct ET sensor data to present easy-to-understand insights into the water needs of your crop. It even makes irrigation recommendations for you.
- Water Use and Availability Monitoring: Crop water use data coupled with soil water availability monitoring from soil sensors ensures users can make the most precise, profitable, and responsible irrigation decisions with confidence. Precise, profitable, and responsible irrigation decisions with confidence.
The Reinke Direct ET by CropX Package Includes:
"Growers are used to getting general ET reports across the globe. The problem with these general ET reports is it’s only a regional or estimated value. The Reinke and CropX partnership has allowed us to develop a product to give you a real measured ET from your field. This high degree of accuracy in true ET is the tool for growers around the world to become more efficient and sustainable with our natural resources. Field-level direct ET is critical to irrigation scheduling; I would want one on all of my pivots." ~ Sales Manager, Jake Beam |
"It is measuring how much water vapor the wind is carrying away from that farm's field. There is a lot of sophisticated math that goes into measuring the actual ET and that's done on our servers once the data is sent over from the sensor out to the servers. It was important for me to bring this technology to Growers because I saw the incredible potential of it." ~ Scientist, Tom Shapland |
"Direct ET measures the actual evapotranspiration rate as it exits the canopy. Direct ET attaches to your pivot, or installs on a fixed stand in you field. Evapotranspiration occurs at different rates, crop by crop and location by location. Direct ET is measured as it occurs in your field, in real time; giving you the most accurate data possible for your irrigation decision making. Others use a reference measurement from turf, then uses a calculation based on a specific crop type to approximate ET. This “crop coefficient” isn’t bad; However, it is based on variables that generalize a group of data points to best represent a region" ~ Employee, Sean Boyd |