Choosing pipe
Pipe is the most fundamental component of an irrigation system. Reinke offers five types of pipe, available in various diameters. It is important to choose wisely to maximize the life of the system. There are several factors that should be taken into account when determining which pipe variety is best suited to a particular field. The water’s pH level, chloride and sulfate concentrations, and pressure needed for optimum operation, should be considered.
Reinke offers a free water test with every new system to determine pH level, chloride and sulfate concentrations. In general, water becomes more corrosive as chloride and sulfate concentrations increase and at low or high pH levels. Wells pull from different ground levels as the growing season progresses, which can cause water chemistry to change. It may be wise to choose pipe with higher corrosion resistance.
The types of pipe, listed from least to greatest corrosion resistance, are as follows: galvanized steel, chromium nickel plus (CN+), marine grade
aluminum, stainless steel and poly-lined galvanized steel.
Galvanized steel can experience reduced life when chloride and sulfate concentrations rise above 200 ppm and at pH levels below 6 or above 8 (see chart). CN+ performs slightly better, tolerating a higher sulfate concentration and a lower pH level. CN+ generally is painted to increase its corrosion resistance, but it also can be galvanized.
Reinke offers a free water test with every new system to determine pH level, chloride and sulfate concentrations. In general, water becomes more corrosive as chloride and sulfate concentrations increase and at low or high pH levels. Wells pull from different ground levels as the growing season progresses, which can cause water chemistry to change. It may be wise to choose pipe with higher corrosion resistance.
The types of pipe, listed from least to greatest corrosion resistance, are as follows: galvanized steel, chromium nickel plus (CN+), marine grade
aluminum, stainless steel and poly-lined galvanized steel.
Galvanized steel can experience reduced life when chloride and sulfate concentrations rise above 200 ppm and at pH levels below 6 or above 8 (see chart). CN+ performs slightly better, tolerating a higher sulfate concentration and a lower pH level. CN+ generally is painted to increase its corrosion resistance, but it also can be galvanized.
Aluminum is a good choice for low pH water types. It retains average life with pH levels from 5 to 7.5. Aluminum also resists corrosion at higher sulfate and chloride concentrations than galvanized steel or CN+.
Both stainless steel and poly-lined pipe offer dramatically increased corrosion resistance when compared to the other three types. Poly-lined pipe offers the most corrosion resistance. However, considerations should be given for climates that experience extreme temperature changes.
Pipe diameter is an important consideration, especially with long or high-pressure systems. A larger pipe diameter reduces pressure loss in the system and reduces energy required to pump water. Therefore, using a larger pipe diameter can result in significant energy savings through the life of the system. View the chart on the top left to see size options for each pipe variety.
For certain applications, pipe weight is also a consideration. Aluminum is the lightest material of the five pipe options. In some applications, such as sod growing, a lighter system is preferred to avoid rutting. All other pipe options employ high-strength steel, which is lighter and stronger than many steel alloys.
- Reinke pipe comes with a 20-year prorated warranty.
- Reinke uses stainless steel couplers on its CN+ pipe to prevent rust.
- Reinke's hot-dipped galvanizing process creates a .004 inch protective layer on pipe. The coating will sacrifice itself before the base metal is affected.
- Galvanized CN+ pipe looks matte and blotchy because the material absorbs more zinc during the galvanizing process. Although galvanizing CN+ is effective, this pipe is usually painted.
- Reinke uses high-strength steel in its galvanized steel, CN+, stainless steel and poly-lines pipe options. This steel variety is up to 50% lighter and 20% stronger than steel used in competitor's pivots.